Cookie and privacy policy 2025 for Alan High Photography

During your visit to our website, or indeed any other U.K website, your preferred Internet browser downloads a copy of each web page you visit on your computer. Together with this snapshot of every page visited our site sends to your Internet browser a file known as a cookie.

More details on cookies and how they work can be found on the following external web page –

Cookies from Alan High Photography provide two services. The main benefit for you as a visitor to our site is that the cookie file remembers which page you are on, which page you visit next, or have previously visited. This cookie informs your internet browser of this information and for example returns you to the previous page visited when you click your back button, and therefore provides an aid to site navigation rather than you having to select the page you visited previously every time.

This cookie functionality assists processes such as our contact forms; picture galleries and e-commerce sections of our website to retain the information you requested and return the page preview with the most recent updated information.

The secondary feature of all cookies including ours is that it advises us of basic information about you the visitor as an anonymous user. Through integrated software such as Google analytics it can advise us of which country you are visiting our website from, which internet browser you use like Firefox, which pages you visit, and how much time you spend on a page. This information assists us in improving the end-user experience, for example if no one visits page x, we would learn very quickly that the content needs replacing, or that maybe we need to translate the page content to suit the visitor from another country.

The majority of all websites and search engines you visit work in a similar way. So when you visit our site again in a few days’ time your browser checks to see if you have visited that page previously and records that information. The cookie information also gets stored on your computer, phone and other devices that you use to visit a site.

With all current Internet browsers on your pc, mac, phone, Ipad etc. you have complete control in the privacy settings within your browsers tool bar normally under a drop down menu called Tools – Internet Options. Within the settings of these tools on your computer, you can view all the cookies from all sites visited, delete and even block all cookies from being saved on your computer at any time. The advantage to you of blocking all cookies is that you have total privacy and in effect browse ours and other websites anonymously. The disadvantage is that with many pages on our site you would no longer be recognised as a repeat visitor without the cookie and that you would then need to possibly enter your details (e.g. gallery passwords) every time you revisited your gallery.  Most of the shopping cart functionality would also no longer work as your selection would not be remembered and the software would assume you were making your first selection every time.

Visitor information at Alan High Photography is not used by any other organisation, and is not used to contact you without permission. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Alan High Photography for more information.

Details on U.K data protection laws can be found below:

Another useful tool for controlling the advertising trackers as you browse the Internet is a free plugin called Ghostery.  This can be downloaded here and the plugin will allow you to block, or allow, and control advertising, analytic tracking tools from a desktop icon.

Privacy Policy

Feel confident about the privacy of your personal information:

  • We do not share your personal details with any third parties. 
  • We do not email you unless you have contacted us first and requested information e.g. access to an private event gallery.   All email campaign messages are only used to inform you of passwords and private gallery link details of an event photo shoot only.  Each campaign email provides you with the opportunity to unsubscribe to further contact from us at the bottom of the email you have received.  Information held on email campaign databases can be viewed by you on the link provided at the bottom of the email, where it can be amended or deleted by you if required.
  • No online campaign email databases contain your address, telephone number, or details of any purchases made.
  • The contact forms on our website are not linked to any database and no information is stored online.  Contact forms only serve as a convenient means to send a message to us.

All client personal information is held securely offline.

Copyright Information for clients

link to our photography copyright information for clients


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